Thursday 5 January 2012

Amelie & Childhood

Amelie's early childhood life had many similarities and differences compared to a normal child of her age including:

  • The moment when she put hula hoops on the end of each of her fingers and ate each one, one by one. However Amelie is abit different, this is because instead of using hula hoops she uses strawberries.
  • The way Amelie would draw the upside down face, using your chins as a face by drawing eyes, eyebrows,nose and eyelashes etc.
  • Amelie also used to tightly push her face upon a window to make an amusing squished up face.
  • Trying on different things e.g glasses to keep her entertained.
  • Amelie used to get amused by drinking from a straw.
  • Watching a penny turn round and round until it landed on a particular side.
  • Having a coil of ribbon all neat in a circle, and blowing it to make it unfold and create a pattern.
As Amelie and her father didn't have a very close relationship, and didn't talk and do the normal things a daughter would do with her father resulted in many problems. Amelie's father believed that Amelie had a heart problem when he did a check up on her one day. From that day Amelie's father did a monthly check up to test the rate of her heart. The reason for Amelie's heartbeat racing was due to the interaction with her dad. It was unusual when Amelie's dad touched her, they never had a close family bond they didn't ever have a father and daughter cuddle...nothing. Therefore when each time Amelie was touched by her father her heartbeat began to speed up, as she wasn't used to her dad showing any care or affection.

Many things that made Amelie a unique child include:
  • The way in which Amelie plays doctors with an imaginary alligator, just like her father does to check her heartbeat.
  • She see's her fish as a friend, due to her having none of her own.
  • Amelie swings her teddy on the swing, where as its usually the parents swinging the child.
  • Due to the tragedy Amelie forgets about leaving her teddy outside and it stays outside through all seasons of the year 24/7.
Amelie was an unusual child of her time as she would easily entertain herself in a unique way. I believe the reasoning for all the unusual things she had done was because she was lonely, she wasn't very close to her mum and dad, and had no siblings.

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